Woman smiling and shaking hands with a person. Happy man in the background.

OUR BoardsBizMakerBoards

At BizMaker, we have two boards: the association board and the company board. Our association board includes representatives from Region Västernorrland and all seven municipalities in the county, i.e. our owners. They deal with long-term strategic issues. They decide what BizMaker should work on.

The company board provides support on issues of a more operational nature. How we should work to achieve our goals. Representatives from business, the public sector and other business-promoting organizations sit here.

Want to know more?


Sara Nylund, Chairman, Region Västernorrland
Erik Thunefors, Region Västernorrland
Niklas Säwén, Municipality of Sundsvall
Alicja Kapica, Municipality of Sundsvall
Stefan Dalin, Municipality of Timrå
David Forslund, Municipality of Timrå
Erik Lövgren, Municipality of Ånge
Dennis Hjalmarsson, Municipality of Ånge
Jon Björkman, Kramfors municipality
Ida Stafrin, Kramfors municipality
Johan Andersson, Sollefteå municipality
John Åberg, Sollefteå municipality
Andreas Sjölander, Härnösand municipality
Eva-Clara Viklund, Härnösand municipality
Carolina Sondell, Örnsköldsvik municipality
Johannes Nordin, Örnsköldsvik municipality


Lennart Andersson, Chairman, Municipality of Sundsvall
Maria Lidgren, Region Västernorrland
Uno Jonsson, Municipality of Härnösand
Oliver Dogo, Chamber of Commerce
Fredrik Kuoppa, Almi Företagspartner
Anna Edblad, Örnsköldsviks Industrigrupp
Kristina Enander, SCA
Hans-Erik Nilsson, Mid Sweden University
Karin Johnson, RISE Processum

WE are building for the future

When we help sustainable ideas grow, we shape a business community that can create value returns far beyond the financial bottom line. A high-flying business idea can generate profits - but more importantly, it can be an important tool for creating well-being, clean air and resources that will last well into the future.

bizmaker's sustainability efforts