From left: Ewa Sandeheim - BizMaker, Carina Bergquist-Palm - Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse, Olof Frensberg - Blå Grön Odling, Speech therapist Anna Nilsson, Emma Holmström - Mattematikvågen, Sofie Hallin - Nordea.
From left: Ewa Sandeheim from BizMaker, Carina Bergquist-Palm from Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse, Olof Frensberg from Blå Grön Odling, Speech therapist Anna Nilsson, Emma Holmström from Mattematikvågen, Sofie Hallin from Nordea.

Winners of Nordea Norrlandsstiftelsen's Sustainability Award announced

Today, Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse awarded its sustainability prize at Härnösand's entrepreneur breakfast. Three startups from BizMaker's incubator program were awarded a total of SEK 50,000 for their innovative and sustainable solutions in three different categories. The award ceremony was led by Carina Bergquist-Palm and Sofie Hallin from Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse, together with Ewa Sandeheim from BizMaker on stage.

Ecological sustainability: SEK 10, 000
Blå Grön Odling from Härnösand received the prize for its circular and closed cultivation system based on hydroponics. This system enables the cultivation of own crops in grocery stores, restaurants and public environments. The jury emphasized that the winner has developed a climate-smart way of growing that creates the possibility to produce own crops in different environments.

Diversity and inclusion: SEK 15 000
Emma Holmström and her project Mattematikvågen/Diggalikamed were awarded for their educational app that helps children understand and learn mathematics through a digital balance scale. This idea has already started to be tested and used in classrooms, helping many children to learn, understand and approach mathematics in an engaging way.

Sustainable business models: SEK 25 000
Speech therapist Anna Nilsson was awarded for her innovative digital solution, Voice Competence Assessment. The service helps people with hoarse and strained voices to improve their work environment and voice use in a cost-effective way. By shifting the focus from the individual to the work environment, this solution enables employees to find their voices more easily.

BizMaker has nominated companies that are part of the incubator process. They then pitched their ideas to a jury and three winners were chosen.

Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse continues to support the solutions of the future by recognizing and rewarding innovative startups. Congratulations to all the winners!

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