Magnus Viström, new Business Area Manager at High Coast Invest.
Magnus Viström, new Business Area Manager at High Coast Invest.
Press release

Magnus Viström new head of High Coast Invest - will attract international establishments to Västernorrland 

Magnus Viström takes over as the new business area manager for High Coast Invest, BizMaker's business area for establishment promotion. In his new role, he will drive the work of attracting international establishments to Västernorrland and create business opportunities in the green transition. 

- I look forward to working with all the committed people in the region's municipalities and business community. We have a fantastic toolbox to work with, and we will use it to create great benefits," he says. 

Magnus Viström has a solid background in innovation and business development. Through previous roles, such as Head of Innovation at SCA, he has been responsible for developing and implementing innovations in the packaging industry and digitalization. He has also previously been involved in BizMaker, where he has been involved in boards and the Forest Business Accelerator program. 

His career has had a clear common thread - driving innovation and development in business. 

- What attracted me to the role as head of High Coast Invest is the opportunity to create business development through new establishments that contribute to the green transition and strengthen the region's innovative power. I have long followed BizMaker's development, and it is fantastic to now in this role be able to contribute to the region's continued growth, says Magnus Viström.

Seeing great opportunities for the region 

- "Our region offers unique conditions in the form of attractive business locations, access to green electricity, well-developed logistics and cutting-edge expertise in various areas. In addition, Västernorrland offers fantastic environments for people to live and spend time in," says Magnus Viström. 

- We are delighted to have Magnus join us. His experience and expertise will bring new perspectives and create further excellence in our organization. He has a unique understanding of large-scale industry and what it takes to attract that type of establishment, which will be a great asset for us," says Matts Nyman, CEO of BizMaker.


Magnus Viström, Business Area Manager High Coast Invest
076 76 20 574

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