Anna Nilsson was one of the winners of the BizMaker competition jagharenidé.nu.

Her innovation finds our best voices

Hoarse, tired and strained. Voice problems at work are common - especially for women. Speech therapist Anna Nilsson has developed a digital solution that allows more people to find their best voice.

Anna Nilsson in Sundsvall has worked for 20 years as a speech therapist and now runs a consulting company that offers voice coaching to companies and organizations. Voice problems at work are common, not least among women. Despite this, most of the responsibility falls on the individual, according to Anna Nilsson.

- "Instead of working preventively, we leave it up to the individual to seek help from the health care system, where the resources are far too small," she says.

To shift the focus from the individual to the work environment - and make it easier for employers to help employees find their best voices in a cost-effective way - Anna Nilsson has developed a digital solution: Voice Competence Assessment.

Based on a self-assessment and a digital recording, the voice is analyzed and then the employer receives suggestions for appropriate measures. This may involve training for the work group or individual coaching on voice or communication.

- To begin with, I will do the analysis myself, but the goal is to supplement with some form of AI.

The innovation was recently awarded second prize in BizMaker's competition in Västernorrland.

- It feels great to be recognized for an idea that can make a difference for so many, says Anna Nilsson.

The prize consists of a voucher of SEK 25,000 to be used for consulting services from BizMaker's procured suppliers.

- This opens up new opportunities for me to continue working on my idea. Together with my advisor Cecilia Nordlund, I am now considering the next step. Among other things, I need to conduct a market survey and further develop the recording module.

The goal is to find a partner who can become a co-owner, says Anna Nilsson.

- The need for voice coaching is enormous. With the right support, I can get my solution on the market faster," she says.


Ewa Sandeheim, project manager jagharenidé.nu, BizMaker
tel: 070-667 19 94

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From left: Ewa Sandeheim - BizMaker, Carina Bergquist-Palm - Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse, Olof Frensberg - Blå Grön Odling, Speech therapist Anna Nilsson, Emma Holmström - Mattematikvågen, Sofie Hallin - Nordea.

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