Ulrica Olsson, Pleasurable learning is a startup in the BizMaker incubator.

Her book encourages the joy of reading

Lesson plans for joyful learning are already used in schools across the country. Now teacher and entrepreneur Ulrica Olsson is releasing a book called 'A Letter of Gold' to encourage children to read.

On March 27, the book "Ett brev av guld" will be released by Idus förlag. It is written by Ulrica Olsson, a teacher and entrepreneur in Sundsvall. The target audience is children in grades 3-5.

- I got the idea when I had a class that was not very fond of reading. The solution was a story that constantly encourages the children to keep going. I approached six publishers and half of them said yes," she says.

Each chapter ends with various puzzles and clues that the reader must figure out to help the characters move forward. A bit like a game, but in a book.

The target audience is partly schools, where the book is used together with a teacher's guide, but also individuals.

- "The story stands on its own," says Ulrica Olsson, a teacher of Swedish, social studies and physical education at an independent school in Sundsvall.

As a teacher, she is driven to make lessons varied and enjoyable, preferably with an element of movement.

- When I started working in this structured way, I noticed a clear improvement in the children's performance.

She has since developed a range of lesson plans that other teachers can access free of charge via the internet. The starting point is so-called cooperative learning, where children work a lot in groups.

- The interest has been very high. That's why it feels so good to be able to take the next step and publish my first book," says Ulrica Olsson.

She runs the business in the start-up Pleasureable Learning, which is part of the BizMaker incubator.

- "The cooperation with my advisor Thomas Lööw is very valuable. With him I can exchange ideas and get help with marketing and developing my business," says Ulrica Olsson, who already has plans for more books.


Ulrica Olsson, Pleasurable Learning
ulrica.olsson(@)njurundafriskola.se, 073 244 46 75 

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