Flasheye participated in the Forest Business Accelerator 2022 - a business development program for startups that want to change and develop the forest industry.
Press release

Flasheye's Lidar technology attracts big business

With a unique solution that can monitor both quality and safety in industry, Flasheye AB has quickly gained attention - and customers. The goal is to use Lidar sensors to mimic and surpass the human senses and create better processes.
- The possibilities are enormous! This is just the beginning," says Ida Rehnström, COO of Flasheye.

Flasheye develops and sells software and complete systems for surveillance in physical environments. This may involve, for example, scanning materials in a flow, for sorting and quality assessment, or security monitoring in an environment where people move. 

- The messier the environment, the harder it is to monitor. Our system takes in hundreds of thousands of data points and can read a process down to the centimeter level. Then we can link an alarm or other action to specific events," says Ida Rehnström, operations manager at the start-up company from Luleå. 

Flasheye works with real-time 3D data analysis and can use any technology that generates 3D data. One example is Lidar, which uses light to measure and analyze reality, like a combination of camera and radar. Flasheye's innovation is the computer program that is responsible for analyzing the large amount of data, but the company also delivers complete solutions with sensors, servers and tailor-made software. 

Flasheye started selling its system in 2022 and has quickly grown to about ten employees. The first customers are in the mining industry, where the founder also has a background, but also in the forest industry, which has a great need to monitor industrial processes. The company came into contact with SCA early on, who recommended Flasheye to apply for BizMaker's business development program Forest Business Accelerator. 

During 2022-2023, Flasheye has been verifying its technology with BizMaker and partners SCA, IBM and Rise Processum, helping it to reach more large industrial and technology companies.

- "Through the accelerator, we have received prestigious references, SCA, with whom we now have a lot of contact, and also other large companies that are world-class in their niches. We have gained real contacts, real business and met people who open up their entire network. 

Ida Rehnström,Flasheye

Several current customers have also financed the development of the product. 

- It's proof that we're doing something right when customers want to pay for development that we can then use in our basic software," says Ida Rehnström. 

Now, the focus is on streamlining the business and building up distributor networks on the hardware side, so that Flasheye can devote itself entirely to software and systems.

- In a few years, we see that more and more people will be on board. Lidar is already available in the iPhone and Volvo's latest model. Then we see that we will be able to focus entirely on our specialized expertise and our patent-pending methods that make mass installations faster and safer," concludes Ida Rehnström. 


Ida Rehnström

Startups from all over Sweden can apply for the Forest Business Accelerator business development program.

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