Business scaleupContributeyour skills as a growth coach

Business Scaleup is a growth program for small and medium-sized companies in Västernorrland that want to grow. In the program, we support companies in clearly visualizing the future and setting strategies and goals for how it will become reality.

Four coaches are matched to each company participating in Business Scaleup. The coaches, who consist of two women and two men, each have their own focus area: finance, customer, process or development.

It is a rewarding role with a fee for those whose heart beats for entrepreneurship, problem solving and development.

Are you interested in becoming a coach?

What is a growth coach?

Our growth coaches are people with extensive experience of business development in different areas who have a coaching approach to their role. The growth coach is not an advisor but asks questions and complements the company with new perspectives. It is not a trained conversation coach or similar.

How does it work?

BizMaker matches four coaches to each company participating in the program. There are always two women and two men to get the best possible perspective.As a coach, you are a neutral management competence but do not have the same legal responsibility as a board member. You should have a coaching approach, you are not an advisor but ask questions and complement the company's knowledge with new perspectives. A confidentiality agreement is signed with each coach.  


Each coach has a specific role and focus area: finance, customer, process or development.Before the meeting that deals with your particular focus area, you contact the company in advance to go through a battery of questions. Based on that, you make a basis for the meeting that is sent out before to the other coaches so that everyone is prepared and has a good picture of what is to be discussed during the meeting.
BizMaker's certified coordinator follows a proven concept during all meetings and documents the entire process to get a common thread.


Coaches, advisors from BizMaker and the participating company meet for a total of seven two-hour sessions. The program period runs for about 18 months. The meetings can be both physical and digital depending on what is most suitable. The assignment includes being well read and prepared for each meeting.


The fee is SEK 2950 plus VAT per completed joint meeting (total maximum SEK 20 650 + VAT) which is invoiced to BizMaker. 

The four focus areas of the coaches


This role suits you as a business developer, with a sense of how profitability is made visible in the company. You are used to making calculations and steering towards profitable business. You have the ability to bring to life results, balance sheets, budgets and to produce the key figures that facilitate the company's ability to keep track, here and now. Financial sustainability is the key word. There is no point in scaling up a business idea that is not financially sustainable. As a financial coach, you ask for financial reports so that the rest of the group knows what is happening in the company.


The best salespeople are those who have the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes. As a customer coach, you are good at strategic customer processing, from prospective to loyal customer. You can easily understand the company's customer process and point out the opportunities that exist. Prioritize, point out the profitable customers and reject the unprofitable ones, which often take a lot of energy from the organization. It is about active customer processing and marketing based on the resources available. 


As a process coach, you have the ability to see the entire refining process from start to finish. The main process, the sub-processes and how they should be organized are core issues. It's about creating an efficient organization where efforts yield results. It is good if you are familiar with Lean Production to maximize customer benefit while minimizing waste of resources through various types of efficiency and rationalization. You have the ability to review whether the company is organized to create customer value and live up to its refinement process. This also involves advising on patent and IPR issues. 


In this role, based on the company's target image, it is important to coach the entrepreneur to see what development opportunities exist. You are also the person who, during the meetings of the three others, sees which development projects can help the company move forward. The development coach's meeting is the most open meeting. Just like the other meetings, there is an agenda that clearly states what should be on the table. But, based on the unique company, with its unique employees, the development plans look very different.  

It's cool that we can meet in something completely new when we have such different experiences and backgrounds. I have spent a large part of my life in the corporate world in several different industries, both in smaller companies and large international companies such as IBM. The fact that I can now take my experience and turn it into something that can be of benefit to the company I coach is very inspiring.

Gun Blom-Lundgren,
Senior Advisor

Want to know more?

Ewa Sandeheim

Project manager
070 667 19 94

Pelle Berglund

Business advisor
073 847 94 24